A glimpse into the mind of a grieving mother
Most days when I wake up, I have to remind myself that my daughter passed away. I still truly cannot believe it. It's a daily struggle to force myself out into the world. If you have seen me out and about, I may have appeared calm, cool, and collected, but under that facade my skin is absolutely crawling. I find myself avoiding....literally avoiding anything and everyone that I can. I find it tragically difficult to know that some people will meet me without ever knowing Bridget. Without knowing the mother I WAS when Bridget was still here with us. I feel so.much.guilt. So instead, I find distractions. They come in the form of writing, reading, isolating, 'chalk-therapy', or music. If I can avoid it...maybe none of the last year and a half has happened. They always tell you that when you have children, a piece of your heart goes with them wherever they go. It's difficult to send your child off to kindergarten. It ha...